EM-R endorses 3 Candidates

Quality teaching and learning begins with a quality school board!   EM-R convened a candidate screening committee last week with the goal of endorsing candidates the committee felt best represent the values and goals of our members.  EM-R is proud to announce our endorsement of the following three candidates:

Rose W. Chu,  Todd Anderson,  Mike Boguszewski.  

Please be sure to spread the word to friends, family and neighbors to support these candidates!   AND, be sure to vote on or before Nov 7th!! #voting matters

If you would like to support the candidates, all three will be hosting a joint door knocking event this Saturday, Sept. 23 from 9 -11.   The event will kick off at Makwa Coffee on 2805 Hamline Ave. N.   Additional details can be found HERE.  

Todd Anderson
Mike Boguszewski
Rose Chu