Education Minnesota-Roseville values your membership and strongly believes the collective voices of educators remain the most powerful tool in enhancing our profession.   As members of EM-R we receive the following benefits:
  1. Direct and fair inclusion in one of the best educator contracts in the state of Minnesota. Bargaining and advocating for the contract is not a free activity, it involves many hours or organizing, listening, crafting and speaking to the district to defend and support our rights.
  2. An influential voice in district policy, professional development and the classroom environment.  EM-R has partnered with district administration to create one of the least intrusive and most efficient teacher evaluation system and merit pay system in the state.   Our members regularly drive professional development, equity, district restorative practice systems and new educator mentorship and induction programs.
  3. Full membership in Education Minnesota as well as both the NEA and AFT and all of the benefits provide by these organizations, including all professional publications.
  4. $1 million in professional liability insurance and legal representation for employment related issues
  5. EM-R representation for any potential disciplinary situations brought forth by district administration and EM-R representation for any potential contractual violations, including the vast collection of resources at the disposal of Education Minnesota, AFT and the NEA.
  6. Complete guidance and support through the formal grievance process should the need arise.
  7. Full membership in Education Minnesota and all of it’s affiliate benefits, including  publications, financial planning services, discount travel and car rental services, and educator specific mortgage products.
  8. Annual  workshops on student loan forgiveness, educator specific financial planning and license renewal CEU opportunities including the MEA conference.